There are many synthetic rooting hormones available including liquids powders and gels that can promote rapid root growth in cuttings but if youre an organic gardener or youd just prefer a natural chemical-free option you should definitely consider honey as a natural rooting stimulant. Its always best to use a sterile soil-less growing medium because it will be free of soil pathogens that can ruin your attempts at propagation. Pin On Landscaping Vertically for thick-rooted plants such as verbascums and poppies and horizontally for thin-rooted. What to use to root cuttings . Poor enough room temperature water to cover the nodes of the cutting. Honey lasts for hundreds o years and you barley need any for each cutting. Once your roots reach approximately 3-5 then its time to put the. Taking root cuttings is a simple way to propagate herbaceous plants to build up your garden stock. This is a Tango Weigela that I bought from another grower. There are two ways to grow root cutti...