Some people might bristle at the suggestion of. Get their permission to host a party for friendsclassmates. Magical Unicorn Birthday Party Project Nursery Unicorn Birthday Parties Unicorn Theme Party Unicorn Party Decorations Jam with Jamie has two fun options for a virtual musical party. How to throw a birthday party for a 1 year old . Among your theme options are safari Hollywood baseball or a castle all of which are. Send a text to a small group of friends and family with the details about the party. This is the Best Time of Day to Host a First Birthday. Here is how to have a Simple Birthday Party for your little buddy. A musical theme is perfect because its one of the few activities 1-year-olds can participate in. Lets also not forget that the timing of the whole birthday party would actually be around the afternoon an inconvenient time which coincides with my sons regular. Each kid then gets a new stuffed. KEEP THE PARTY SMALL. Get the tip. Pick up a...