Sweet or bitter scents meanwhile sit evenly between vegetable and animal but on opposite sides of the wheel. Cosmopolitan recommends spraying your favorite perfume on some tissue paper or cotton balls. Homemade Linen Spray Homemade Linen Spray Linen Spray Homemade Cleaning Products It will clear the air and put a little pep in your step. How to make fresh linen scent . This kit is a great starting point for anyone looking to get involved in the creative world of candle making and have your house smelling of fresh linen all day long. I think it smells similar to the fresh linen scent minus the petrochemicals. 2 ounces witch hazel or rubbing alcohol. Vegetable scents are acidic and anti-erogenous while animal scents are alkaline and erogenous. The clean fresh smell of the blend is a great way to start the day. 4 ounces distilled water. Soy Wax Fresh Linen Candle Making Kit. Its make your bathroom smell good and the lovely scent will waft out every time someone grabs...