Shut off the heater set a timer for 15 minutes. 17 Brilliant DIY Hacks to Make Your Home Smell Good 1. How To Have Your House Smell Like Pottery Barn House Smells House Smell Home Scents To get rid of the odor in your garbage disposal spritz a dollop of lemon-scented dish soap down into the disposal run the water then turn it on says interior designer Keita Turner. How to make your house smell good for open house . Leave it inside a 200F oven for half an hour keeping the. Make your house smell good naturally. This is the first and foremost thing you must do before trying any of the hacks below. 10 Brilliant Tips To Make Your House Smell Good. Theres nothing worse than a damp musty smelling bathroom or a bathroom that smells like drains. If you really want to make your home smell great though weve got. Simmer Fruit and Spices. During the winter we recommend using spicy and warm flavors such as cinnamon andor cloves which evoke a sense of the holidays. Cedric Stewar...