Try a cream color or light pale blue with white trim. Area rug in grays plus some. Teal And Gray Http Bedroom Gallery22 13faqs Com Decoracao Da Sala Parede Atras Do Sofa Decoracao Sala Verde Change up your scheme with the help of these versatile paint colours. What colour to paint walls with grey sofa . Its nice to try something new every now and then. Moody Grey Living Room. Yes its the easiest and simple solution for any room with a gray couch. For those with a mid-brown sofa or medium wood furniture up the cozy factor by choosing wall colors a few shades deeper. Room opens up to my kitchen which has cherry cabinets and silver. Sea Salt not to be confused with the Sherwin William Sea Salt is more so staying in. I am having a really hard time figuring out what color to paint walls with my new gray couches. Best Wall Color for Gray Sofa 1. Then a print with wall color plus sofa and a accent color I like peacock with grays. Colors that go with light grey w...