In warmer regions these plants can. Wisterias are quite easy to propagate from hardwood cuttings. How To Grow Wisteria The main advantage being that as the hardwood cutting of the Wisteria is leafless there will be. Can you strike wisteria from a cutting . Wisteria Cutting Progress update 1- 3 Chinese and 2 American wisteria vines growing from cuttings ordered online. If youre growing a wisteria from seed I hope youre relatively young and have plenty of patience - wisterias grown from seed can take up to 20 years to bloom. The plastic helps to hold in humidity which increases the success rate of propagating wisteria from cuttings. This is wood that is still green and has not developed woody bark. The cutting should be about 3 to 6. From seed the vines remain in a juevenile stage for 10-15 years before they are old enough to bloom. I put mine in water until it leafed then planted. But I think you might. Some gardeners prune wisteria in order to grow into a certain ...